Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Seahawks Sundays for Jen

Every year I BEG my husband to get NFL sunday ticket so that I can watch the Seahawks.  Every year his response is the same.  NO WAY I am not paying all that money just you can watch your beloved foodball team.  Well of course with the season on its way and about to start the conversation has made its way back into my house and this year he came to a comprimise.  He said that if I can raise or come up with half of the money he will let me get it.  SOOOOO here I am a stay at home mom and devoted Seahawks fan trying to raise my funds to watch the games....

  • I'm raising money for a serious (to me) cause. Because I live on the east coast I don't get to watch the Seahawks games. I am have to raise half the money for NFL ticket in order for Derek to get it for me. I already have the first $10.00 towards it I've got $90.00 to go who can help me.... #onedesperateseahawksfan 



Monday, June 25, 2012

Just a thought

So easily the body of christ gets snarled in Satans traps.  I have been thinking so much about what it is that causes a person to stumble so strongly that they throw caution to wind and forsake all that they believed in, stood for, proclaimed, and made covenants to.  I've watched marriages come under attack so frequently and most often the marriage crumbles to a place of unreconsiliation.  Its so heart breaking to me.  The most import vow that we will ever make aside from salvation is the "til' death do us part" vow.

Do people  even know what that means or do they just  say it and not ACUTALLY mean it?   Marriage is suposed to  be the closest display of Christs love to his church.   But when people take so lightly their vows and covenants to each other how could the Church REALLY understand Christs love for us.

I think the biggest crisis in marriage is the trap of not talking or being able to talk about our struggles.
James 5:16 Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.
 Isn't it just like Satan to put us in a position where we do exactly the opposite of scripture. We feel the need to cover up our hurts and our struggles rather then going to trusted pastors, leaders, friends, family.... we come up with a dozen of excuses as to why we cannot share our struggles.  And then as a result of that we seperate ourselves from other believes as to "protect" ourselves but in the end it does the  complete opposite of protecting instead it thrusts you into a very vulnerable position where we can so easily be deceived and make bad choices.  And then rather then repenting and turning from it we just continue on in sin getting more and more numb to our convictions.  It is such a sad state that so many people are in.

Its so very important that we spend our life and our time surrounded with other believers and that we are honest with each other.  In a day where just about anything goes we must protect our marriages, our families, our children, our legacy.  We must be coupled with other believers and use sound judgment
1cor 15:33 Don’t be fooled by those who say such things, for “bad company corrupts good character.”

In an anything goes kind or world stick to people with like morals, with high integrity, and with deep convictions.  I know that I will!

But as for me and my house we WILL serve the Lord!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Life these days

I just wanted to take a moment and share how life has been around the Talley household.

Being a mom of three keeps me very busy.  Some days are a breeze and others are more challenging.  But all in all in my eyes I have the most beautiful family.  This year has seen many ups and downs for me.  Mostly ups though.  I have grown so much this year and can see daily how the Lord has restored back my joy.  Even in walking out the first year without my mom  The Lord had so much grace on me and I have so much peace in my life. 

Dylan is the most sincere thoughtful and well mannered boy.  For 4 years old he blows me away at his thought process.  He is such a joy to be with.  I get asked very frequently if I am going to put him into pre-school this year.  At this point I have no plans to do so.  While he is very able and ready for school I just am not.  These years of having him home are so fleeting, and I cherish that his influence at this point is Derek and I.  We can model a Godly life to him and show him values and morals that will be fruitful and last a lifetime.  He is so gentle and kind hearted and I desperately want to protect and preserve that as long as I can. 

Brayden my little ambitious one! Even at 3 he is so much like his daddy haha.  He is such a funny kid.  Very strong willed and and assertive.  He is a natural born leader, very independent and tenacious.  He's a boy who knows what he wants.  We have to get creative at redirecting his energy at times.  He is the boy that wants to always be with his brother.  They are best friends yet he pesters the heck of him and he thinks its funny.  But he is also such a softy  and has such a kind and loving heart.

Kylie Julianne My little gift she brings me so much joy.  She is beautiful and perfect in every way.  By FAR my easiest baby.  When I was pregnant with her I received several prophetic words about the Lord giving her to us to bring healing in my life.  And I can tell you that even at barely 4 months old I have seen this come to pass so strongly.  The Lord really fulfilled so much in my life by giving her to us.  There isn't a single desire for her or in her that I have wanted that the Lord hasn't met.  The Lord really did a beautiful thing for me through her.

Derek is the most wonderful man I have ever known.  He is such a Godly husband, father, leader.  There is not a prideful bone in him. His love and friendship are genuine and he is so submitted to the Lord.  He has been so gentle with me during my weak moments this last year.  He really helps me to be a better person and to see through the eyes of the Lord.  He started a new job this year that has allowed us so much time with him.  And I can not imagine going back to the way it used to be.  He is my best friend and life partner I cherish every minute together.

We miss our friends and family in both MT and WA  and hope to have  chance to see everyone real soon

Thursday, June 7, 2012

We overcome by the word of our testimoy

  I'm not one to look back normally but sometimes a healthy reminder of the Lords goodness is just what we need.

 I was raised in Church and though I got into some mischief in high school I always loved the Lord and never strayed to far from him.  So when People would ask me what my testimony was I always felt a little stumped.  Because I never had a WOW I just got saved moment.  Rather I just always knew the Lord, and a simple decision when I was 17 lead to a real beautiful relationship with the Lord.

Lately I have been thinking about what really is my testimony and the Lord has shown me so many testimony's in my life.  I am only 28 years old and I can give you testimony after testimony of the goodness of God in my life.  If you want a testimony about being barren unable to conceive I have one, If you want a testimony about grieving your mom who was to young to die I have one, if you want a testimony of God endlessly providing finances I have one, if you want a testimony of a girl who was betrayed at a very young age by a man that should have been trusted I have one.  If you want a testimony of a marriage on the brink of falling apart but was restored completely I have one, If you want a testimony of walking away from your family and everyone you have ever known to follow a call from the Lord I have one. 

Sometimes its good to take a healthy stroll down memory lane and to remember what the Lord has done.
Its interesting to watch how circumstances in your life become testimonies in your life.

Rev12:11 They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.

I think about so much that I have been through and how the Lord has rescued me time and time again to show his faithfulness is true.   I challenge everyone to recognize the testimony's in their life and to put to practice Rev 12:11 lets start talking about Gods goodness and love.

And lets overcome by the word of our testimony!